
The International Union of Students (IUS) has collapsed. Since the early 2000s, there has been no streamlined representative body for all students of all fields of study. In early 2020, a coalition of student governments from around the world has begun to gather together to re-establish a global democratic student organization that can avoid or transcend the problems that led to the IUS’ collapse. The coalition determined the common goal to end the current era of decadence in terms of student representation and strive for a future where students and youth are adequately represented in policymaking processes.

The coalition has decided that it would strive to provide students with a platform to shape the future of the world we are going to live in. This is especially crucial at present when major issues are shaping the future of today’s students like climate change, inequitable treatment, automatization, and artificial intelligence. We as students are going to live in this world, but we have little appropriate representation to shape this future on a global scale.

At its 9th Collective Consultation of NGOs on the Sustainable Development Goals for Education 2030 in December 2019, UNESCO announced that meeting the Sustainable Development Goals for Education (Goal 4) will be difficult to achieve by the proposed timeline. We can mobilize the global studentship to help achieve this goal. We see students especially equipped to help build bridges across education sectors and unite different fields behind a common goal, to make the world a better place and to improve education systems.

This is why we founded the Global Student Government.


May 2022
Global Student Government is incorporated as a non-profit organization in Canada with headquarters in Montreal
April 2022
The first Executive Committee of GSG is elected
November 2021
The constitution of GSG is adopted by coalition members
March 2021
Canada is chosen as the country of incorporation for GSG
February 2021
Finalization of the constitution and funding model
June 2020
Formulation of the proposal for the future organization
May 2020
The GSG Task Force is formed
April 2020
The idea of a Global Student Government (GSG) is first presented at the meeting of the Informal Forum for International Student Organizations

Founding Coalition (Student Governments and Consultation Group Members)